We only have strength and gaps not weakness.
Imagine a scenario where each of us is doing things that we love passionately. Helping others to pursue their dreams and sharing learnings with each other. Incidentally, the real world behaves in a different way. All of us are born with some natural strengths and over a period we start measuring our strength with reference to feedback received from third parties who have got limited knowledge to measure the strength and gaps.
Ultimately, we allow naive people to make decisions about our career on their gut & experience not based on analytics.
I strongly believe that each one of us has got only strengths and gaps, not weaknesses. It’s up to us how to understand our strengths and build a solid foundation to make a successful career. Although I am a mechanical engineer throughout my 20+ years of career I never did hardcore engineering work.
I played multiple roles in the field of Quality, Sales, Marketing, Product and Business Development in Telecom, IT, Management Consultancy, and Manufacturing industry which ultimately defines that I love to be on the field and interact with new people while understanding customer behavior. Like me, I know lots of people from the industry who are an engineer or doctors but doing something very different than their core qualification.
We need a different skill set to be relevant for the coming 20-30 years.
Future jobs are going to be based on skills not purely based on certificates. Let’s put focus to understand individual strength and put all the efforts to strengthen it instead of following societal recommendations against your strength.
There are scientific tools available to measure students’ academic and soft skills. It recommends occupation with reference to individual student curriculum, ability & aptitude, emotional intelligence, anxiety & stress. It’s been proven scientifically, people do very well if they do things that they like. So ultimately every human being likes doing things if they understand it better and to understand it better, they need to have the interest to do it.
Let’s create the interest…
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