How do the parenting style of Gen Z & Millennials differ?

Parenting is also evolving over the years just like every other aspect of our lives. A parent of a GenZ kid ( the generation from 1997 to 2012) may have a different and more understanding approach towards parenting compared to a parent of a millenials (those born between 1981 to 1996). But unless a parent’s ultimate aim is to raise a successful, positive and a happy child there is no right or wrong way of parenting

Both parents may raise their children in different ways. Let’s find out how then!

  1. The power to make decisions has changed

If you’re a millennial, you probably recall how your parents made all of your decisions. Almost everything was under their control, including what you would wear, eat, go to school, and do in your free time. But now, circumstances have developed and changed. Gen Z parents are inclined to give their children a voice. They are, after all, better knowledgeable and current about what is going on in their immediate surroundings. This might be a result of the developments in technology over time. Parents often give their children the opportunity to make their own decisions, choose their own career while yet serving as a strong example for them.

LearnQoch offers Psychometric Assessment tools to assist Gen Z students in selecting the best career paths.

  1. Parents of GenZ are more adaptable

Parents of GenZ are more adaptable, accommodating, and forgiving than parents of millennials, who struggled to accept their children’s failure. Today’s kids are more imaginative and creative, and technology has simply given them more room to grow and discover. Kids now have more options, and parents can be more relaxed and supportive of their kids as a result.

  1. Positive parenting is preferred by millennial parents against authoritarian discipline.

There was a significant change away from the idea that using physical restraint and strict discipline to impose limitations on behaviour was acceptable and even beneficial during the middle of the 20th century. Parents today are more likely to reward good behaviour than to penalise bad. 

  1. Today’s kids have pocket money, in contrast to the past

Over the years, the concept of money and finances has also changed. Younger children were aware of the worth of money. On holidays and other occasions, getting anything at all was a delight. Children now frequently want pocket money. Kids’ needs and demands have significantly increased along with market expansion and growth. But according to study, GenZ students are more likely than kids from earlier generations to spend their money wisely.

  1. Today’s children demand independence and space

Recent times have seen a rise in the importance of personal space and boundaries, particularly in relationships between parents and children. Given that they were the only ones who could make decisions for the family and that the kids were very dependent, parents of millennials might not have flourished in this area. However, today’s youth are more independent and comprehend the actual meaning of independence and freedom; as a result, they are more conscious of their obligations and know when to voice their thoughts. Parents should respect their children’s privacy and support their decision-making.

LearnQoch LMS provides personalised learning plan which helps Millennial parents to help Gen Z kids to take an appropriate decision 


GenZ, the new generation of more aspirational, talkative, and technologically savvy kids, differs from millennials. Parents must make sure that they keep up with the development of parenting as a parent of a GenZ child. As parenting is evolving parents also need to grow.

 LearnQoch integrated ERP & LMS software is here to help parents to nurture their kids with reference to data and not only on emotions which sometimes bring gaps in parents-kids relationships. Accept their child as they are. Do more to demonstrate their compassion. Become involved in the events in his or her life. Join him/her as they explore the options that may be available.

Although there is a significant generational gap, parents in the millennial age are essentially no different from those in earlier generations in their desire to love and uphold their children in ways that their parents may not have done for them. Which also sounds very familiar to every parent who has ever existed.

LearnQoch offers a customised learning plan that assists Millennial parents in assisting Gen Z children in making the right choice.

Additionally, LearnQoch offers Psychometric Assessment tools to assist Gen Z students in selecting the best job paths.

When making a decision, use technology. LearnQoch assists parents in raising their children by using statistics and not only emotions, which will uplift the parent-child relationship.