How to improve NBA ranking

AICTE established the “NBA” – National Board of Accreditation as the mandate to guarantee quality education in India, much like the NAAC Accreditation. As a result, educators in charge of higher education institutions (HEIs) must get to work, continuously improve their teaching-learning procedures, and provide the greatest tools possible for student empowerment. There are process that can help you improve your NBA rank

You can successfully obtain accreditation by understanding the what, how, and why of the NBA process with the aid of LearnQoch’s comprehensive guide to the National Board of Accreditation.

Why Should Higher Education Institutions Aim For NBA ranking?

For HEIs, receiving accreditation from the NBA Accreditation body can be a game-changer. The NBA is important for the following main reasons.

  • Reputable organisation for accreditation globally (Member WA Signatory)
  • Helps HEIs close the learning-teaching gaps
  • Education strategy centred on outcomes for improved outcomes
  • Improves school quality by making constant improvements
  • Boosts one’s confidence
  • Students, staff, and faculty and each participant involved
  • Enhances students’ professional abilities accordingly
  • The NBA serves as a “hallmark for quality education”!

As a result, students who attended an institution with NBA accreditation have a higher chance of getting hired by reputable companies. To ensure the highest possible level of educational quality, the NBA department advises HEIs to adhere to the Outcome Based Education System (OBE).

The accrediting procedure consists of six parts:

  1. Examining Registration & NBA Readiness.
  2. Create a self-evaluation report.
  3. NBA application and SAR submission.
  4. The NBA team visits and assesses.
  5. Delivery of the report.
  6. Academic Advisory Committee Decision Regarding Accreditation.

To help you improve your NBA ranking, we’ve put together the following advice:

  • Utilise an automated application to simplify the process.

Utilise the LearnQoch programme to create individualised lesson plans that will enhance student learning.

An ERP & LMS system that LearnQoch has created automates the laborious procedure and makes it simpler for the institution. By entering the data just once to create the numerous reports necessary for NBA certification, it helps the institution store all of their vital information. 

  • Prior planning

A day, a month, or even a year cannot be spent entirely on the NAAC preparation procedure. Building expertise and getting ready in the fields of funding, academia and research, infrastructure planning, etc. are all ongoing processes.

  • Management of SAR

The self-assessment report is one of the most crucial records in the NBA accreditation procedure. To be accepted by the NBA, a self-assessment report must be flawless, condensed, and understandable.

The following criterias should be focused on while preparing the SAR:

  • Faculty Information and Contributions under NBA Accreditation

Enhancing learner professional skills, developing engaging learning technologies, encouraging active engagement of learners, involving learners in real-world projects, and ensuring learners’ overall growth are all part of the faculty’s remit.

You can get assistance from learning management systems like LearnQoch with the NBA accreditation procedure. To keep track of all the data, use the certification software. Use an LMS software that simply requires one data entry to simplify your process. Calculating proportions, getting faculty feedback, or maintaining infrastructure standards will be simple tasks, and the certification procedure won’t consume as much of your time. 

  • Students Performance

The program’s outcome describes the student’s knowledge and skills.

LearnQoch was created with the goal of assisting all higher education institutions in data management and the production of accurate accreditation reports.

  • Program Curriculum and Teaching – Learning Processes

The curriculum of a school is a vital collection of all the tasks and objectives connected to each subject. It acts as a road map describing the steps the institution must take to achieve where it wants to go. The development of a programme curriculum takes a significant amount of thinking, time, and work.

Using our next-generation LMS software, distinguish between slow, average, and quick learners. Give each teacher specific feedback to help them perform better. Use the LearnQoch programme to track, evaluate, and assess all important teaching and learning processes. Let teachers and students collaborate to enhance knowledge and learning results.

  • Vision, Mission, and Program Educational Objectives

An institution’s vision is a picture of everything it hopes to accomplish in the future. It offers a succinct summary of all the long-term objectives of an organisation. The actions an organisation does to realise its vision are referred to as its purpose. It gives the acts an institution takes a crystal-clear focus. The institution’s programme educational goals (PEOs) should be in line with its mission.

Although it might be very challenging to ensure that you have accurately tracked all the requirements, LearnQoch can always provide an error-free accrediting solution. Allow the NBA Accreditation software to handle the labor-intensive tasks.


Increase Your NBA ranking with LearnQoch

LearnQoch is a Web and Cloud-based integrated ERP & LMS software designed for educational institutions. It automates the lengthy process of management & smooth organization operations such as student admission operations & management, fee payments, transportational operations, digital library, enrolment process, MIS reports (often requested by NAAC) and many more. Your educational institutions will have superior & standout points from the other organizations with the help of our Accreditation Management Software

The NBA accreditation software helps to elevate the college’s reputation & performance at the same time putting the institution ahead in the challenge to offer quality education. Hence, wide spreading recognition & appreciation. 

It’s the right time to manage all your administrative tasks like attendance, timetables, assessment, and management reports based on NBA & NAAc guidelines under LearnQoch’s all-in-one software.

LearnQoch has built an ERP & LMS system that simplifies and automates the lengthy process. 

It helps institutions to store the various institutions reports – admission, program details, students reports etc, and generate various reports related to NBA Accreditation. 

Enhance Accreditation-related data & enhance quality assurance standards of your institution by choosing LearnQoch Software.

Call us at +91 84519 01079 or email at info@