How to Learn Python with LearnQoch?

Python was ranked second in the June 2021 RedMonk Language Rankings, just behind JavaScript.

It’s a most popular language in programming community.

In the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) which is a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering, quantum computing, and many more, learning is constant endeavour. It’s advisable to our students to learn Python to be part of 4IR to make solid impact to solve real life problems.

Python is easy to learn & use. It has got mature and supportive community. Hundreds of libraries and frameworks helps programmer to address end customer need. Its versatility, efficiency, reliability and speed can be used in many varieties of environments such as mobile applications, desktop applications, web development, hardware programming, and many more. Hottest trends of Computer Science like Big Data, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing research and development takes place in Python language.

Who can learn Python?

Well, anyone who likes to play with large data, analysis, prediction, automation etc. should get into Python programming as early as possible. Python is one of the easy languages to learn, so students above 7th/8th standard should really start learning Python. Even for professionals, especially those who are into Manual QA / Testing must start learning Python from Automation point of view.

What is Python?

Python is a dynamic, high level, free open source and interpreted programming language. It supports object-oriented programming as well as procedural oriented programming. It’s an amazing language! And you get so many rich libraries which makes it really easy way to solve the problems, analyse data, find patterns.

Advantages of learning Python?

  1. Syntax : One of the simplest syntax – just like writing English sentences e.g. for i in range(10) :
  1. Good for handling Large Set of Data efficiently using in built data structures like dict, touple, list.
  1. You can build secure APIs using frameworks like Django or Flask, quickly.
  1. Interactive prompt where you can write code statements and test as you write.
  1. Data Science – you can start diving into Data science using python libraries available.
  1. Machine Learning – you can start understanding and building your own models using python quickly and easily.
  1. Backend – you can use Django, Flask to build robust, secure APIs quickly.

How to start learning Python programming?

Step 1: Always start with Basics! Understand and practice the syntax.

Step 2: Understand and get comfortable with Interactive Shell. Helps you practice and try out code

blocks before integrating into actual functions/classes.

Step 3: If you don’t know, understand Object Oriented.

Step 4: Always go for error/exception handling.

Step 5 : If going for web, understand the Frameworks like Django or Flask

Step 6 : If going for Data Science, then start exploring libraries available for Data Analysis, Charts/Graphs, etc.

And always practice! Initially daily few hours would definitely help you reach to expert level faster.

Python Web : How different it is from Python Basics?

Whatever functionality or module you develop it needs to mostly end up on Cloud these days. And in order to access your module/functionality APIs are going to be needed. That’s where Python helps you provide this interface. And it makes your AI/ML models work seamlessly behind the interface of your Python Web! Basically it helps you build APIs or write Webhooks which are required to interconnect with other systems. So it is not so much different as such, it’s more of providing Interface to accept parameters, run queries, retrieve data/result, etc.

What is Advanced Python?

Actually as you go deeper into Python, you will need to understand how you can do :

  • Socket IO
  • Networking with Client-Server Applications
  • Multithreading
  • GUI programming
  • Plotting Charts, Graphs, etc.
  • Distributed Computing
  • Serverless Computing – AWS Lambda is best example of this
  • Scrapping Data
  • Data Analysis, AI, ML

Precise mathematics calculations e.q. When using Lat-long based applications you need to use 10 or 12 digits after decimal point for accurate calculations, python does help you effortlessly with rounding off results.

Why Python is So Popular in Industry?

If you see the features listed above, it makes it clear that Python does come in handy for wide range of applications – right from Stand-alone systems to Web bases Backend, Serverless Computing, Data analysis, AI/ML model building and many more. Python gives you the efficiency needed in critical applications, at the same time it also offers faster way to build backend APIs to interact with your frontend, get/retrieve large data, parse data effectively.

Once you master python programming, it allows you to easily get into multiple avenues. Thus organisations may not need separate teams for building critical data centric modules and make them accessible over APIs. Hence it is one of the popular skill set expected by the Industry.

What makes LearnQoch Python curriculum and teaching unique?

As a parent/student, you may be having difficulty to select the right course and organisation who is teaching coding courses. Pls note all your learnings should get used in real life scenarios. You should not get another certificate which doesn’t have value in the real world.

We recommend following steps to select the right course and organisation

  1. Get access to industry based curriculum
  2. Get trained from the teacher who has got industry exposures
  3. Implement learned theory in the live projects
  4. Get access of learning management system (LMS) to learn and revise your concepts
  5. If possible get industry internship to test your knowledge in the real life scenarios

We at LearnQoch are helping our students to learn Python, Java, C/C++, PHP, .NET, Mobile App Development (Android & iOS), Web Development, DevOps and other programming languages. LearnQoch students are getting access to industry based curriculum, trainer and best in class Learning Management System (LMS) along with internship.

In conclusion, be part of 4th industrial revolution where all the hardware are getting integrated with software. LearnQoch will make your coding foundation strong which’ll ultimately help you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Happy Learning!