Research, Innovations and Extension under NAAC Accreditation

Research, innovations and extension is the 3rd criterion defined by NAAC Accreditation criterias, as the name goes, it is about the academic research, new innovations for the betterment of the students, extended consultancy services from the side of institution towards the students and the field of study, and extension of the institution towards the society, that is the outreach towards the society addressing various real-life problems and other organizing extra-curricular activities to improve the overall quality of the institution.

This criteria holds a weightage of:

  • 150 (for both Affiliated and autonomous institutions)
  • 250 (for universities).

Here are the 7 key indicators defined by NAAC Accreditation criteiras under research, innovation and extension criteria.

  1. Promotion of Research and Facilities

The institution should not only run research projects on various topics and provide various facilities but also promote it among the other institutions.

  1. Resource Mobilization for Research

Each institution receives grants which helps them to conduct their research projects. State the total amount of grants received (INR in Lakhs) from the government and also the non-government agencies for research projects during the last five year, Percentage of departments having research projects funded by government and non government agencies during the last five years, number of departments having Research projects funded by government and nongovernment agencies,  number of departments offering academic programs, number of seminars, conferences, workshops conducted by the institution during the last five years.

  1. Innovation Ecosystem 

The institution should keep innovating new teaching methods for the better understanding and knowledge development of the students.

  1. Research Publications and Awards

State the number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years, number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years, number of books and chapters in edited volumes, books published and papers published in national or international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years, the total number of books and chapters in edited volumes, books published and papers in national or international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years.

  1. Consultancy

Under this indicator mention all the extended consultancy services provided by the institution and the total number of services provided during the last five years.

  1. Extension Activities

Institutions should carry out extension activities in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the last five years. Under this indicator state the activities carried, total number of awards and all the awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government or government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years, number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC, Government and Government recognised bodies during the last five years,, average percentage of students participating in extension activities, total number of Students participating in extension activities conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS, NCC, Red Cross etc., year-wise during last five years

  1. Collaboration 

The Institution should collaborate for faculty exchange, student exchange, Internship, field trip, On-job training, research etc during the last five years. Mention all the collaboration and the number of linkages for different programs year-wise during the last five years and number of functional MoUs with national and international institutions, universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years.

How LearnQoch Can Help With NAAC Accreditation?

As mentioned in our blog The complete guide on NAAC Accreditation, the process of NAAC accreditation might seem unmanageable and error-occurring, and that is why LearnQoch is here to help you with the process.

Our NBA & NAAC accreditation software is a Cloud-based integrated ERP & LMS software designed for educational institutions to automate the lengthy process of accreditation. You can generate Self Study reports on a click of a button It helps the higher educational institutions to streamline their work processes by managing institutional data and get ready for NAAC Accreditation. 

  1. Get personalised data of each individuals whether they are slow or average students.
  2. Get daily, weekly, monthly or yearly data to understand the students strength and weakness to do required research to improve their performance
  3. LearnQoch integrated EdTech platform helps you to take informed decisions with reference to data
  4. Principals, Admin and HOD can monitor, measure and analyse every student and teacher performance which can be basis of desire R&D programs.
  5. Finally & most importantly, manage all 5 yrs of data centrally to avoid dependency on individual teacher.

Enhance Accreditation-related data & enhance quality assurance standards of your institution by choosing LearnQoch Software.

Call us at +91 84519 01079 or email at info@