Student Support and Progression defined by NAAC Accreditation

NAAC accreditation process is carried out in three stages- Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA) and Self-Study Report (SSR), Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) and Data Validation & Verification (DVV) and Peer Team Report (PTR) & Institutional Grading

The most important step in the process of NAAC accreditation is to prepare the SSR by the institution. Institutions have to follow all the guidelines provided by NAAC while preparing the SSR. It should prepare the report keeping all the criteria defined by NAAC, the institution should provide consolidated response for the key indicators under each criteria

The 5th criteria defined by NAAC is Student Support and Progression:

Student Support and Progression

The field to focus on for this criterion is to support students and ensure proper participation of students in academics for the side of the institution. Not just mentoring them but also providing guidance to the students to choose their field of study. Help and guide the students in their education improves their overall quality of education. Another important factor  while working on this criteria is to facilitate the progression of students to a higher level of education or towards employment.

Criteria Student Support and Progression has a weightage of:

  • 100 (for the Universities, Affiliated institutions and autonomous institutions)

To comply with this criteria, the institution need to focus on the following key NAAC Accreditation indicators:

  1. Student Support

Supporting the students is very important for an institution, as it opens a way for more students. It should provide beneficial scholarships to the students.  Mention average percentage of students benefited by scholarships provided by the government, number of students benefited by scholarships provided by the institution. The institution should also take up activities for capacity building and skills enhancement such as soft skills, language and communication skills. life skills (yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) and computing skills. The institution should also guide the students for competitive examinations and should offer career counselling. Also, mention the number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution the SSR.

  1. Student Progression

The institution should have placement cells and provide the students with such opportunities. Mention the average percentage of placement of outgoing students, number of outgoing students placed, average percentage of students progressing to higher education, number of outgoing students progressing to higher education, average and the number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations in the SSR.

  1. Student Participation and Activities

Students participation in different activities is vital for their basic development and build of confidence, the institution should promote participation in activities and motivate the students to participate as much as possible. Mention number of awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at inter-university/state/national / international level, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and the number of sports, cultural events or the competitions in which students of the institution participated.

  1. Alumni Engagement

Alumni engagement in the institution should also be initiated as it keeps the ex-students in touch with their institution. The institute should initiate the process to register its alumni. There should be a proactive alumni committee which works towards building a strong alumni base who can contribute significantly to the development of the institution. The alumni should maintain a strong connection with the current students by guiding them to choose their path.

Use LearnQoch to improve your chance of NAAC Accreditation, our higher education accreditation software not only manages the institutional data but also NAAC accreditation software also helps the institutions to streamline their work processes and to get ready for the NAAC accreditation.

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