Teachers mould students future. Let’s help them to mould it effortlessly.

गुरु बिन ज्ञान न उपजै, गुरु बिन मिलै न मोष।
गुरु बिन लखै न सत्य को, गुरु बिन मैटैं न दोष।।

Above statement from great saint Kabir which is been relevant for ages and will be relevant forever. 

In India, almost 25% of students are dropping out of school due to a lack of interest in their studies. In corona, this percentage has become steep. due to the unavailability of physical interactions between teachers and students. This is a perennial issue that needs immediate attention from government and private authorities to ensure desired growth of India (Bharat). 

If we observe all developed nations across the globe, they have given utmost importance to teachers who have played crucial roles to provide relevant teaching to individual students who’ll ultimately grow the nation. I always get thrilled after reading Chanyaka’s statement on teachers as शिक्षक कभी साधारण नहीं होता. प्रलय और निर्माण उसकी गोद में पलते है । (The teacher could never be ordinary. Both, construction and destruction, belongs to him) I strongly believe that if we want to transform the education system, we need to empower our teachers through respect, remuneration and technology. 

In addition to school teachers, we also need to involve mothers so they help children to understand concepts with ease. As we know mother is our 1st and best teacher and if we apply her teaching in the correct way then success is almost sure. In the early days of a child, they are too close to their mother and if there is a system that provides personalised updates then the mother can use these inputs in a constructive way. 

In the 4th Industrial Revolution

(4IR) which is a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering, quantum computing, and many more, learning is a constant endeavour and to be relevant to this industrial revolution our student’s concepts should be clear which only happen if we empower our teachers & parents through technology.

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