Teaching-Learning and Evaluation in NAAC Accreditation

The most important step in the process of NAAC accreditation is the preparation of the SSR by the institution. Institutions should follow the guidelines provided by NAAC while preparing the SSR and ensure that it contains all the 7 Assessment criteria for Accreditation
The second of the 7th criterias that serves as the basis for assessment is:

Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

The second basic pillar of education is the teaching and learning process. This criteria marks the regular academic activities of the institution. The teaching-learning process, results of the students and the desired outcomes come under this criteria. The first criteria Curriculum Aspects deals with what is to be learnt, this criteria deals with how the learning happens. Different assessment practices and evaluation practices are also a point of interest for this criteria.

This criteria contributes a weightage of

  • 350 (- for affiliated colleges)
  • 300 (- for Autonomous institutions)
  • 200 (- for Universities)

Here are the 6 Key Indicators to focus on to improve this criterion.

  1. Student enrollment and profile

Mention the average enrolment percentage (a average of last five years), number of students admitted (year-wise during last five years), number of sanctioned seats (year wise during last five years), Average percentage of seats filled against reserved categories(during the last five years) and the number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories (year wise during last five years)

  1. Catering student diversity

The institution should assess the learning levels of the students and organise different programmes for advanced learners and slow learners, should develop different curriculums as per learning level and different measures for slow and advanced learners for all students as an opportunity to enhance their knowledge base.

  1. Teaching-Learning process

The institution should use student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning, problem solving methodologies, enhancing learning methods and use tools for effective teaching-learning process to enhance learning for the students.

  1. Teacher profile and quality

Under this indicator mention the average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts (during the last five years), average percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality (during the last five years, consider only highest degree for count), number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality (year wise during the last five years), the average teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year in number of years and the total experience of full-time teachers.

  1. Evaluation process and reforms

The institute should prepare a mechanism of internal assessment that is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode, which can deal with the internal examination related grievances. The mechanism should be transparent, time- bound and efficient.

  1. Student performance and learning outcomes

Teachers and students should be aware of all the programme and course outcomes of the programmes offered by the institution, The attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes should be evaluated by the institution. Mention the average pass percentage of students during the last five years, total number of final year students who passed the university examination (year-wise during the last five years), and the total number of final year students who appeared for the university examination (year-wise during the last five years).

  1. Student satisfaction survey

After all the teaching the most important step should be surveying students’ responses to know if the students are satisfied from the teaching learning process. Online student satisfaction survey regarding the teaching learning process should be a mandatory step.

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