Vocational Training in India – A Comprehensive Guide

Education is the key to achieving full human potential. Vocational training is the instructional programme that prepares one for an occupation that requires a specialized skill. It may involve imparting classroom instructions, hands-on training or a combination of both. Still, real vocational training is imparted outside the formal education system and it often leads to a certification or a diploma. 

With the roll-out of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, vocational education has the required spotlight. The NEP 2020 is a comprehensive policy document that intensively discusses the updates of vocational education. The policy focuses on bringing vocational education into mainstream education. It proposes the revision and updating of all aspects of education, including the regulations, governance & educational structure, to create a new system which is aligned with the 21st century educational goals.

Vocational Training in the Light Of NEP 2020

According to NEP 2020, at least 50%, by 2025,  of learners shall have vocational exposure through school and higher education. Every student is supposed to learn at least one vocation. The NEP 2020 stated that there will be ‘no hard separation’ between the vocational and academic streams

Vocational training focuses on developing technical skills for a specific job. It offers practical knowledge offered by the conventional formal education system. Understanding different vocational training options can help choose the right one for career growth and development.

The NEP 2020 can potentially lead to explosive growth of vocational education in the country, since it requires all educational institutions to integrate vocational education into their offerings. 

The NEP 2020 addresses and attempts to minimize the issues on both the demand and supply sides of vocational education. The provision regarding vocational training in NEP 2020 are mentioned as follows:

LearnQoch in Digital Revolution

India has far more room for improvement and opportunity in the sphere of rationalization. To improve the quality of education given, the Centre must allocate greater resources and collaborate closely with the state. Improving wage regulation and developing more job possibilities would be India’s primary issues in the future years. In recent years, vocational training has grown tremendously, but it has also encountered significant challenges. Facilitating effective partnerships and better articulation arrangements, as well as a diversity of approaches and greater national uniformity in a variety of sectors, are critical to better outcomes.

Vocational training, technical training, and digital education are the new educational trends that every school and college is adopting. LearnQoch transforming digital education infrastructure. It includes features such as user administration, performance management, attendance tracking, and much more. Be a part of this change by experiencing one of the finest integrated school platforms.

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If manual data entry makes the process complicated, it is no more suitable for your needs. Try LearnQoch, our integrated ERP & LMS software for vocational schools. Provide students, teachers & administrators personalized and quick solutions and upgrade your school offering, staying ahead of competition.